2 Beer Guys Blog

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Monday, May 14, 2007

Thursday Night Review

Last Thursday night, Ryan, Ian and I went to Leary's to review some Sam Miguel beers with Frank. Unfortunately, Frank was busy and couldn't review this evening.

Slightly sad, we decided to analyze their selection and make a pick for some drinking beers. Ian choose some Sam Summer and loose canon 6 pack. I selected a BluePaw and Mojo 6 pack, while Ryan choose a Rockart Barleywine 6 pack.

We ventured on home to perform our second official review in 5 weeks During this review, we tried the following beers:

Portsmouth Lager
Portsmouth Hanami
Woodforde's Norfolk Wherry - Best Bitter
Harpoon Framboise - Encore series 11 (Revisit)
Stone Pale Ale
Sebago Boat House Brown Ale
Rogue Mocha Porter

The Portsmouth Lager was the best offering in this selection, followed by the Framboise. The Norfolk Wherry was a disappointing offering and wasn't officially reviewed because it was an English (UK) offering. It poured a medium amber body that was rather cloudy with tons of particles. Unfortunately the nose detected hints of red whine and stinky cheese. It was a very odd smell and it made this beer undrinkable.

We saved the Mocha porter for last and we were not disappointed in this selection.

The reviews will be posted on Tuesday, please check back for the complete review.



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