2 Beer Guys Blog

Welcome to the 2 Beer Guys Blog! Here, you will be able to read our stories and adventures as we travel through the world of craft beer.

Monday, February 27, 2006

50 Beers!

Last night, we hit a big milestone in our efforts. We reviewed our 50th beer. The big beer was the Victory Hop Wallop, which we thoroughly enjoyed. It was a good evening of food and drink and Lost episodes. I made a chili with Gritty McDuff's Black Fly Stout, and that came out very good.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Welcome - Co Founder - Sean

Welcome Visitors,

Ian and I would like to welcome you to our website. We enjoy a tasty brew and hope that you do to! Please add comments to our blog website and provide feedback about the website.

If you have any difficulty locating the reviewed beers, please let us know.


Email with Chris from Left Hand Brewing

Good evening!

My name is Ian, and I'm co-founder of www.2beerguys.com. We are aiming to provide independent, subjective reviews of craft and regional brewery offerings, and we are big fans of the Sawtooth Ale. Unfortunately, I've had a hard time locating more of your offerings around here, as we're in the Boston area. I have two questions for you. How much of a presence do you have on the east coast with distributors? Secondly, how would we go about getting added as a favorite link on your site? Thus far, we've only reviewed the Sawtooth, and I just picked up some Warrior IPA in the 22oz bottle to taste. I'd love to advocate for your brewery, as I can tell you that you're not very well known around here, as I had no idea who you were until we began our site. Please let me know what you can do!



And Chris' response:


Thanks for the email, and thanks for thinking of us! We're happy to have you on board in the industry, so welcome!

To answer your questions:

* We are being distributed by Craft Brewers Guild out of Danvers,
* They are just starting to roll us back out into the market (had
a different distributor that stopped selling our beer early in 2005).
* Right now Sawtooth is available in a growing # of accounts - to
name a few:
* Austin Liquors
* Bacon's Wine & Spirits
* Colonial Spirits
* Huntington
* Kappy's (Springfield)
* Main Street Package
* Town & Country Liquors
* Craft is also distributing Black Jack Porter, Milk Stout, JuJu
Ginger Ale, Haystack Wheat and three seasonals (Warrior IPA, Goosinator Doppelbock and Chainsaw Ale - Double Sawtooth) into Massachusetts as well.
* In terms of other East Coast distributors, we are currently sold
in VA, NC, TN, GA, FL and the greater Birmingham, AL area.
* In regards to our website, we are in the process of updating our
site - which should be new and live in 45-60 days. Unfortunately, the links section is going away to make room for a 'Beer Finder'.

Thanks for the help! We do have a brewery broker that helps in the state, so if you would like to reach out to him, let me know.


Chris Lennert
Director of Sales & Marketing

Email with Dan the Webguy from Boulder Beer


My name's Ian, and I'm the co-founder of the site www.2beerguys.com. I'm a former Boulder resident, and now a Massachusetts resident. I was very happy to find Boulder Beer available in a store out here, not only the Mojo and Hazed & Infused, but the variety 12 pack. Two questions for you. Do you have a monthly newsletter I can sign up for? I didn't find anything on your site other than the ones you post. Secondly, what is the distribution for the Killer Penguin? I've only found the aforementioned offerings around here, and I'm looking forward to trying the rest. Eventually, we'll be making a trip out to Colorado to hit the brewpub, but anything you can do in the meantime to help me out would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks and regards,


And here is Dan's response:

Hi, Ian,

Thanks for the interest in Boulder Beer. I’ll forward this to our man Marvin, in Boston, and he’ll contact you as to whether there’s any Killer Penguin left out that way. We’ve already got more in the fermenters for next year’s release in November.

If you go to our site www.boulderbeer.com, and on the homepage drag your mouse over the satellite dish after you hit “contact us” like you did to write this email, there’s a newsletter signup form.


Dan the webguy

Last night's tasting

So last night, Sean and I reviewed the remaining Smuttynose that we had left, which included two of the "Big Beer" series bottles. One was the S'muttonator, and the other was the Barleywine Style Ale. They were both ass-kickers. Regardless of the reviews, both beers have a very high alcohol content, and the effect was not lost on us. If we had to drink one of those by ourselves, we would have been in big trouble.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Hello and welcome to the 2 Beer Guys Blog! We will shortly begin posting stories and adventures as we work our way through brewery tours and fascinating new beers. We look forward to hearing your feedback on the site, as well as microbrews you've enjoyed.